About the Bais Din
Raising the bar of excellence and efficiency.WHAT WE DO
The Mission of Vaad Hadin V’Horaah is to provide the Jewish community with a most authentic Bais Din service. The Bais Din’s operations and rulings (psakim) are conducted in strict accordance with Jewish law (Halacha) and are enforceable by the secular courts of NY State or as required. Dispute resolutions are attained through mediation or arbitration. Resolutions are achieved by a team of expert Dayanim. All proceedings are unbiased and conducted in a trustworthy and ethical environment. Confidentiality, competence, fairness, and integrity are preserved at every step of the proceedings. The Bais Din acts as a neutral, and discloses to the parties all known potential conflicts of interest.
Vaad Hadin V’Horaah Bais Din has established a strong reputation for conducting its affairs permeated with the highest levels of the Torah based integrity in all matters of adjudication concerning commercial, communal, and matrimonial conflicts. Vaad Hadin V’Horaah was founded by Rabbi Avraham Kahan. The Bais Din’s operations originated in Eretz Yisroel and have since moved its prime location to New City, NY. At the present time Rabbi Tzvi Gartner, shlita is the leading Dayan of the Eretz Yisroel branch.
Vaad Hadin V’Horaah’s administrative process has gained noted prominence due to its proven records of efficiency and timeliness. An orderly and expedited dispute resolution process begins from the intake process, data collection, and investigative services. Clients are assured clarity of expectations and schedules. User friendly documentation and technological assistance is available and supported by the competent personalized customer service as the Bais Din pledges to generate a more pleasant and less stressful conflict resolution process.
Vaad Hadin V’Horaah has established a groundbreaking approach to cross-border Halachic matters in diverse circumstances and industries blending the expertise of most knowledgeable Dayanim and Lawyers ensuring all rulings (psakim) can be awarded in a secular court of law. Cases are prepared and guided accordingly from the start to the consequent outcomes. The experience, judgment, and vision of the Vaad Hadin V’Horaah is imbedded with the highest level of yiras shamayim and unbreakable piety.
Vaad Hadin V’horaah specializes in drafting customized contracts (shtaros) that are intended to be compliant and enforceable under Halacha and secular law. These customized contracts are drafted and reviewed by experienced Dayanim and attorneys, and clearly reflect the terms and conditions agreed to by all involved parties.
Our Staff

Rabbi Avrohom Kahan

Rabbi Dovid Bartfeld